Website Access Terms

The terms and conditions constitute a binding agreement between you and the Organization regarding website usage. Your payment of a Subscription Fee signifies acceptance of these terms, subject to variations by the Organization.

Recognition and Acceptance of Terms

Each interaction on our Online Platforms constitutes your consent to our processing of your data as outlined in our Organisation Privacy Statement and this Supplement. We reserve the right to manage your data in accordance with the practices currently detailed in these documents, irrespective of when your data was initially collected. This right ensures consistency with our currently disclosed data usage practices.

Limitation on Our Legal Liability

We hold the right, though not the obligation, to remove or suspend any content at our discretion without prior notice. This includes content that violates copyright laws or is otherwise deemed inappropriate. Should you encounter offensive material, please inform us promptly. Contributions in user-generated areas reflect the personal views of the contributors and not those of the company. By posting, you grant us a broad license to utilize your contributions in various formats.

Unacceptable Conduct

Users are strictly forbidden from violating or attempting to violate the security measures on the websites, including:

  • Using false passwords or accessing unauthorized data;
  • Disclosing passwords or allowing third-party use without authorization;
  • Attempting to probe, scan, or test system vulnerabilities without proper authorization;
  • Attempting to interfere with service via overloading, "flooding," or other means;
  • Sending unsolicited emails, including promotions or advertising;
  • Forging TCP/IP packet headers or hijacking website content without permission.


While we license all content on our website and control its use, you may not commercialize any aspect of our website. You may share our homepage URL, but if you link only to specific parts of our website or copy content, you must credit the source. We are not responsible for the content, viruses, or other issues on sites we may link to.

Statutory Law and Jurisdiction

By accessing our service, you agree that all matters relating to your access to, or use of, the service shall be governed by the statutes and laws of our country, without regard to the conflicts of laws principles thereof. You also agree and hereby submit to the exclusive personal jurisdiction and venue of the courts in our country with respect to such matters.

Accessibility of the Website

Access to secure areas of the website is restricted to authorized users only. Any unauthorized attempt to access these areas may lead to legal action. Users are prohibited from using any tools or software that disrupt the site’s operation.

Connect with Us

For an exhaustive analysis and detailed understanding of our course offerings or to discuss specific aspects of these Terms of Service, please consult the extensive contact resources detailed on our website. Our specialized team is on hand to provide precise and comprehensive support, ensuring all your inquiries are addressed with high attention to detail and clarity.

Changes To The Acceptable Use Policy

Our company may, from time to time, make changes to the terms of this agreement, including changes related to service procedures, user interface, and support services. Such changes will be effective immediately upon posting on our site or other direct user communication methods. By continuing to use our services following any such adjustments, you accept the revised terms.

Policy Non-Guarantee Statements

Our website services and content are delivered to you on an "as is" and "as available" basis without any warranties whatsoever, either express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. The Company does not warrant that the website will be free from defects, errors, or that the website will meet your requirements. The Company also does not guarantee the availability, accuracy, completeness, reliability, or timeliness of the content available on the website.